Educational Material

At Pres-On we have an ever-growing library of web resources about our products, services, and general industry information. If you can not find the information you need, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Newest / Updated Resources

What is Reverse Wound Foam Tape?

Benefits of Shipping From Chicago

Educational Material

Benefits of a Mylar Film Backing 

Durometer vs Compression Force Deflection

Getting the Best Seal on Heat Induction Cap Liners

NEMA Ratings & Enclosure Types

Why Pres-On?

Pres-On’s Wet Coat Adhesive Advantage

Types of Pressure Sensitive Adhesives

Neoprene and Blended Neoprene Foam Tape

High Temperature Foam Tape

Benefits of Shipping From Chicago

Alphabetical Order

Benefits of a Mylar Film Backing 

Benefits of Shipping From Chicago

Durometer vs Compression Force Deflection

Getting the Best Seal on Heat Induction Cap Liners

High Temperature Foam Tape

NEMA Ratings & Enclosure Types

Neoprene and Blended Neoprene Foam Tape

Pres-On’s Wet Coat Adhesive Advantage

Types of Pressure Sensitive Adhesives

What is Reverse Wound Foam Tape?

Added wishlist
Supplier Information | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions

Pres-On is a Manufacturer of Foam Tape Products and Cap Liners
